TC “Sustainable Organizations”

Description: This project responds to the growing interest in sustainable development and conveys the necessity for action not just on individual, but on organizational level. It aims to provide NGOs with the tools, information, and inspiration needed to introduce a wide variety of sustainable practices as well as to encourage the exchange of good practices and ideas on the topic between the youth workers and organizational representatives.
Date: 21/11-01/12/2023
Location: Bansko, Bulgaria

DEADLINE: 03.11.2023

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TC “Maximum Impact”

Description: Through the course of the TC, the participants will be inspired to think critically and creatively about different topics. This will include testing hypothesis, ideas and assumptions, thinking about impacts of personal actions and using evidence-based decision making, experimenting, validated learning and lean startup methodology.
Date: 02-10/12/2023
Location: Kolin, Czech Republic

DEADLINE: 08.09.2023

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YE “Health hand in hand with innovation”

Description: Youth Exchange “Health hand in hand with innovation” aims to combine health, technology and innovation through training and preparation of the younger generations. In other words, this YE aims to: make young people aware of their health, develop relevant digital skills, identify problems and needs in the health sector in different countries, as well as stimulate critical thinking, creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship.
Date: 03 – 10/10/2023
Location: Muş, Turkiye

DEADLINE: 03.08.2023

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YE “Last Chance for Fauna and Flora”

Description: Main goals of the project are to develop young people’s lifelong learning competences, to provide new knowledge and skills, to teach creative learning methods, which can be used to draw attention to the topic of fauna and flora, to develop themselves, to improve young people’s teamwork skills, to teach young people various methods that can be used in everyday life which later they can share with others so they can improve situation in Europe and most importantly raise awareness of what we should do and what to avoid in order to preserve nature.
Date: 26/08 – 06/09/2023
Location: Jelgava, Latvia

DEADLINE: 04.07.2023

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Од почетокот на оваа година, заедно со нашите партнери Forum for Educational Change – FECH и IDUEP Institute работевме на анализа за состојбата со дигитализација на македонските државни универзитети. Преку инклузивен процес каде ги вклучивме сите релевантни чинители, успеавме да изработиме публикација која содржи голем број конкретни мерки и предлози за дигитална трансформација на образовниот процес.

Првиот панел опфати отворена дискусија на институционалните претставници од министерствата и универзитетите со студентите за нивните образовни потреби и проблеми. На вториот панел, кој беше модериран од страна на нашата претседателка Мила Младенова, гости ни беа претседателите на универзитетските студентски собранија при УКИМ, УГД и УКЛО, кои споделија свои видувања за процесот на дигитализација, како и добри практики и искуства на своите универзитети.

На крајот, потпишавме декларација со 8 заложби за унапредување и олеснување на студирањето, како и справување со предизвиците што ги носи 21 век. Оттука, заедно со нашите партнери се обврзуваме да соработуваме со цел оваа визија да стане реалност!

Преземи ја публикацијата на македонски или албански јазик.


Description: This project aims to understand and recognise factors influencing media messages, several manipulative techniques and reveal disinformation. Additionally, it will raise awareness of the positive and negative aspects of traditional media and social media, establish healthier relationship with digital technologies and adapt strategies for digital wellbeing, as well as design and develop educational activities supporting media, information and digital literacies.
Date: 04-12/08/2023
Location: Kolin, Czech Republic

DEADLINE: 28.04.2023

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Description: Understanding how to manage, save and make money is becoming increasingly important. This project aims to promote the need for financial education, increase financial literacy in participating countries by presenting youth workers with financial terms, financial management strategies, practical and digital tools that can be used in their work to improve youths’ financial and digital skills, apply different budgeting strategies and make informed financial decisions.
Date: 29.10-05.11.2022
Location: Bansko, Bulgaria


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TC “Financial literacy education in youth work”

Description: This international training course will gather 34 participants and trainers in order to develop youth work competences of youth leaders/ workers to foster inclusion and empowerment of young people who are facing marginalization on a daily basis.
Date: 10-17.11.2022
Location: Elektrenai, Lithuania

DEADLINE: 11.09.2022

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YE “YOUth for Sustainability”

Description: With more and more people moving to cities instead of the countryside our cultural knowledge has been lost on so many people. Classic village life – raising animals, growing your own food and working together with nature is seen as a low-life activity. However, the key to sustainability lies in exactly that and the negative stigma about rural life must be destroyed. With this exchange we want to show youth from all over Europe the power growing your own food gives someone.
Date: 04-12.09.2022
Location: Hiiumaa, Estonia

DEADLINE: 03.08.2022

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YE “Talking is easy, acting is difficult”

Description: By implementing the YE “Talking is easy, acting is difficult”, we would like to support and encourage young people to become more involved and active in their communities. We are aware that the community is significant for a person, and each person should be part of a community that gives him/her space for his/her development and helps fulfill their ambitions. The community develops and grows with the help of interested people.
Date: 01-09.09.2022
Location: Zakopane, Poland

DEADLINE: 07.07.2022

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Description: This project will put a focus on the representation of women in all parts and fields of the community, especially in management positions and politics.
Date: 24-30.07.2022
Location: Kirikkale, Turkiye


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YE “Progress in work”

Description: YE “Progress in Work” was born from the need of partner organisations to provide their work groups with some useful and necessary skills at the moment of job search and professional growth, as well as tools to be able to use and independently develop those skills.
Date: 23.07-01.08.2022
Location: Piedras Blancas, Spain

DEADLINE: 05.06.2022

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CALL FOR APPLICATIONS – TC “Financial literacy education in youth work”

Description: The training course will bring 30 youth workers for a 6-day training course with the aim to provide youth workers with competencies and tools needed to work with the financial literacy of young people in everyday youth work activities.
Date: 11-18.06.2022
Location: Elektrenai, Lithuania

DEADLINE: 25.04.2022

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YE “Now you see it, now you don’t”

Description: This project aims to increase the degree of education and responsibility of young people in preventing and combating air pollution for a better quality of life and environmental sustainability. 
Date: 21-30.03.2022
Location: Monteoru and Buzau, Romania

DEADLINE: 28.02.2022

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Description: Young people in Europe spend an increasing amount of their time consuming digital media. These tools can provide a place for young people to learn, to share their experiences, to exchange their views, to have fun with their friends and to actively participate in society. Literature review suggests that there are a lot of youth work practitioners who lack the digital skills or attitudes to fully benefit from the opportunities created by digital technologies for delivering quality youth work, which is where this project steps in!
Date: 03 – 09.12.2021
Location: Tbilisi Area, Georgia

DEADLINE: 30.10.2021

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CALL FOR APPLICATIONS – YE “Mirror of Flesruoy – Find Yourself in Hogwarts”

Description: The project will support youth on their personal development journey, as well as to give a space for them to get familiar with their thought and emotional patterns through the wonderful symbolism and hidden (or not so hidden)
meanings of the Harry Potter Universe.
Date: 03 – 11.12.2021
Location: Pilisszántó, Hungary

DEADLINE: 31.10.2021

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TC “More Than Money” in Poland

Во периодот од 07.08 до 15.08.2021 год. Мила, Лилјана и Теодора учествуваа на тренинг курсот за социјално претприемништво „More Тhan Мoney“, прекрасно еднонеделно искуство во Гора Калварија, Полска. Група млади од 8 европски земји истражуваа на темата преку различни работилници и симулации, имаа можност да креираат бизнис модел за социјално претпријатие и истото да го презентираат пред потенцијални инвеститори.

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YE “United in Dance

Description: This youth exchange seeks to create a place for young people to share their views openly and with dignity among themselves. Members of different ethnic, religious, linguistic and cultural backgrounds and heritage will share understanding and appreciation. Young people want to find out how other countries interact with other cultures and what potential solutions that lead to the improvement of these relationships are suggested by young people who come from different cultural backgrounds.
Date: 15-24/09/2021
Location: Osterholz-Scharmbeck, Germany

DEADLINE: 05.08.2021

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